Meals for my Muscles

How do I feed my muscles?
it's not as hard as you think.....
If your keen on building muscle and muscle toning, you would probably be familiar with the many ways in which people try to do so. Here are my Do's and Don'ts.
Don't: Take Anabolic steroids! I know, they do have pretty nice affects on your outside, but do you really know what they are doing to your insides? 

These are a group of steroid hormones which are related to testosterone (the manly hormone) There is so much research going on with this bunch; because of the increased interest and availability. 
So here it goes!.....
There is strong (very strong) evidence to show that they have some pretty nasty affects; Causing abnormally high blood pressure; increased HDL concentration in the blood (these are the bad proteins associated with cholesterol); Higher risk of heart disease! and to top it off, high doses can cause liver damage! Now these affects sound pretty much like the risks that are associated with being obese!.....

Do: Change your diet, to build muscle in a more natural way...
Here is some (maybe a bit boring..) Sciency stuff:
Glutamine: This has been linked to reducing muscle protein breakdown; which is ideal for intense muscle training and is marketed as a supplement for Body Builders and weight lifting. 
Where will I find Glutamine in my diet?......Beef, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, dairy products, wheat, cabbage, beets, beans, spinach, and parsley! 

Creatine: This supplies energy to the muscle during respiration, the body can naturally synthesize about 50% of our needs, but the rest comes from our diet; Which is naturally found in meat and fish
Supplements are recommended for high intensity strength training, especially for sports people who require short, intermittent bursts of energy and is beneficial for muscle strength and performance!

So after all that babbling on, what I am trying to say that there is healthier ways to build muscle and toning. Your diet is an extremely important factor in maintaining and building muscle. 

What's your opinion on Steroids? 
What do you think is better...Diet vs. Steroids!?



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