Is it really worth the money?

I thought that I could start something new; and I could investigate whether the product really is worth our money.
Because, as you probably know, new 'health' products are pretty much being released every week....but they only have one catch, they are so damn expensive!

so is it really worth it?...
This week I am going to do:

Pro-Biotic yoghurt....sound impressive doesn't it!

This picture made me laugh, because there is actually Millions, even billions of bacteria present in these drinks!

They have many benefits; one being that they can work along side the friendly bacteria that we already have in our digestive system; not forgetting that it is a dairy product, so you will also be getting your dose of vitamin B2 ,B12 calcium, potassium and magnesium!....Breathe....

But concentrating on the pro-biotic part:
It's weird to think that the drink contains live organisms! but, it's true...
There is recent news that they now define Probiotics as being: "Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host" Wikipedia
They basically keep all the microbes in out gut all balanced out; with evidence to prove it. They are sounding like a pretty perfect product at the moment?

This is a picture of the lactobacillus casei bacteria found in yakult.

Image from google
The main disadvantage is that at the moment, the government will not recognise them as medicinal due to the simple fact that there is just not enough research that to go along with all of the health claims. So it's all a bit, hit and miss I suppose. 
With some people showing really great improvements, and some not! e.g someone who is taking antibiotics and suffers with diarrhoea as a result but by taking probiotic yoghurt drinks, their symptoms will improve! this info is courtesy of my Lecturer who tested it out on family and friends......

Wow that's a lot of writing.
and still we haven't decided whether they are worth our hard earned pennies (well, mine are from student finance....)

Personally I really do think that they are. there is enough evidence to show that just drinking one a day will benefit your gut! and also they tend to taste quite yummy. But for the other health claims we just don't know.....

But there are cheaper options: 
you can actually produce your own pro-biotic yoghurt's now! Which will work out so much cheaper, and they will be fresher and hopefully nicer.....

Enough of what I think....How about you?



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