It always seems to be that 'time of year' when everyone is sneezing, and coughing...
If Nutrition could give you a way to avoid being 'everyone', I think you'd take it!
So here it is!! And it's free........
So there is hundreds of foods that are classed as Immunity boosters, but ill just outline the most interesting and the easiest to find!
Vitamin C! I've got some seriously love for this vitamin, its pretty cool, the list is endless for the nutritional benefits that it has.
And one of these is boosting your immunity!
I think that most of us are pretty sure on where to find this lovely vitamin, but here are just a few examples.....
Curly Kale,Grapefruit,Lime, Lemon, Strawberry, Rocket, cauliflower, Brussels! Honestly the list is pretty much endless!
Zinc: There has been some research showing that if you take a zinc supplement at first signs of illness, the healing/recovery time is very much shortened.
But here are some foods full of zinc!
Oysters, Pork, sesame seeds, Lobster, Beef, eggs, Milk, Salmon....
Selenium: Apparently Stimulates the production of killer cells, These are the cells that will fight off any bad infections when we fall ill.
Some food that contain selenium are: Cod, Tuna, Oats, Chicken, Rice, Cottage cheese ect.
Omega-3 fatty acids...As always! I nearly love this as much as vitamin C! omega-3 has been found to be linked to so many health attributes and Immunity is one of them!
Oily fish, Flax seeds, Walnuts, Tofu (soy beans)...
If you haven't noticed. These are very similar to my post about healthy skin. Lots of the vitamins and minerals will overlap, showing that maintaining a healthy, balanced diet will pretty much keep you healthy in every department....
If we maintain this healthy diet, Our immune system will be feeling pretty great!
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