Whats that crusty stuff on my Frosties...

Corn Syrup!

Kind of linking to my 'diet' Foods post....

Also known as high fructose syrup and loads of other names, depending where you come from. It's used to make our fizzy drinks nice and sweet and our cereals/snacks....the list goes on!
It a syrup made from the starch of maize, its normally used to make the flavour...bearable....better and many other weird things.

This corn is making a pretty big claim. But is it telling the truth?
Okay; thanks to my Human Nurtrition text book I have managed to find some interesting and kind of scary points about our yummy friend!

Ever heard of dental caries. No, neither had I.

<----- This Minging picture represents root tooth decay A.K.A Dental caries.
Some carbohydrates (Like Corn syrup) that are added to our food, can cause a change in our dental plaque PH, and this causes all of the lovely bacteria in our mouths to ATTACK! well, Kind of.
It basically causes the enamel to be broken down on the surface of the tooth, so then the tooth will feel naked, and nothing will be protecting it.
The sugars that cause this are known as cariogenic Carbohydrates; Doesn't sound very nice, because....well, they aren't.

 I thought that this picture was pretty cool. The colours are wonderful!!.......This is a perfect example of perhaps why childhood obesity is on the increase, as these sweetening syrups are added to so many foods to make them sweeter and more attractive to younger kids.....

needless to say, corn syrup isn't the only artificial sugar that does all of these nasty things. It is just one of the most highly added to many of our food products; because it has many useful stabilizing properties too!

So to link to my post about 'diet' 'Low fat' 'Light' Products. I'm sure after reading it, you perhaps thought that the 'full fat' version was the best option? well. Thats a hard question to answer. Sweeteners have their bad points, but they also have their ZERO CALORIE!!! point, which makes them so popular.

So again, just to make us think: Do we really know fully what we are eating and the long term health problems?

The answer; No, Not yet!


 Thank you for reading! If you have any products or heath crazes you want me to post about, just send me an email. it would be great to see what you guys want to read about...not just what I want to write about!


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