Firstly thank you for reading this as you probably have no idea what it's going to be about!
My good friend Jemma Page blogs regularly about many beauty products. So i thought...what the heck! Ill join her, But ill do the health side;
A bit about me: Im 18 years old, and in my first year at the University of Lincoln studying Human Nutrition. I've always had the idea of going on to do Dietetics and work as a Dietician. But I have started to read more and more magazines, and realising that health collums are extremely popular, and are normally somewhere on the front page;
This made me realise how much we obsess about health and whether something is infact good or bad for us, and we rely heavily on the media to do so. they claim new things daily on what will help us lose weight, what is a poweful antioxidant and contains Bifidus Actiregularis.
This gave me the idea to try out all of these health Fads and see whether they should really be a Flop.
So! keep watching for new blogs as ill be putting these health claims to the test!
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