STOPtober.....What do I eat to maximize the health benefits?

You may have heard, Stoptober is just around the corner
It's a fantastic campaign, stop smoking for 28 days, and see how great it feels....I mean, see for yourself! I'm joining....though, it will probably be easier for me....
As i'm not a smoker 
Image from Google
I know a lot of ex-smokers, and I have never ever heard any of them say 'I wish I was still a smoker..'
But I also know a lot of people who smoke who say 'I wish I could quit...'

This is your chance to dramatically improve your health
and have the rest of the Nation behind you...

But, as you know, my blog is primarily about me blabbing on about Nutrition, Food and Supplements,
So I thought I should tie it in with my blog


What do I eat to Maximize my own health during Stoptober?

We have all heard stories about people gaining weight after Quitting smoking, this is because you suddenly rediscover your appetite! so you may find yourself craving more foods, possibly bad ones, to satisfy your hunger pangs! or maybe because you need to do something to take your mind off the cigarette craving your currently having. But don't fear! 
You can snack to your hearts content, just make sure your choosing the right foods:
Low Glycacemic index; foods low in glucose
High protein, Low fat; Fuller for longer
Examples include: Wholegrains, Egg Whites, Salmon, Soy, and good old Chicken!
Image from Google

 I have been reading a few things, and it has been found that eating Most types of Fruit and Vegetables tend to worsen the taste of a cigarette and a similar result with Dairy products.
So that is an interesting find, if the taste suddenly become undesirable, then I'm pretty sure you will be more likely to stay the hell away!
But remember Fruits can have high Carb contents so you can Veg out on the Veggies! as they are usually lower in calories :) But that's the boring stuff, Right?.....

Just go in, and give it 100% Diet and lifestyle changes; if you do the 28 days, then your so much more likely to stick with it. So give it a try.

You can get your own FREE stoptober pack (I have kindly received one myself; rammed full of helpful info and a nice stressball! Thanks to Layla Hatia) if you click on the image below. Good Luck



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