Weight loss tea- Health FAD

I'm sure that we have all seen or heard of some kind of 'magic' Tea.....

So courtesy of Jemma Page
Ill be trying out Cho-yung....Green Tea Health Blend.

The packaging kind of says it all:
In true form of a health product, it boasts loads of fancy ingredients....but what exactly does each one do!?
Lotus leaf, oolong tea, gynostemma leaves, honeysuckle, cassia seeds, stevia and hemp seeds....and breathe!

Sound impressive, don't they?

The lotus leaf: After reading many pages, i picked up benefits for weight loss; basically it was very vague: Lotus leaf contains "powerful antioxidants that have been connected with weight loss and cardiovascular health"

Read more: Here

oooooooooooolong Tea: Apparently increases your energy expenditure...(through Caffeine) and also it blocks some absorption of Fats and carbohydrates
read more : Here
Gynostemma: speeds up our metabolism, reduces the amount of fat in our blood and adjusts our blood sugar levels...Sounds promising!
ream more: Here
Honey Suckle: Mainly there for the sweeter taste I believe!
Cassia Seeds: LAXATIVE! Perhaps I should have researched a little before I started to drink it....
Read more: Here
Steavia: Thrown in the Mix to sweeten us up! (No calories)
Hemp seeds: Something do to with the balance of hormones....Not too much info on this one!

So in general a lot of interesting ingredients, Ill let you know how it goes...
by the pictures I've found on Google, Ill be a size 6(uk)by the end of the week..............................

image from google
have you tried any? what did you think?



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